Our maíz is sourced in San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca by Hugo Gomez and his familia. It’s a magical city where everyone is both an artist and a farmer.
My name is Hugo Gómez Méndez and I am a farmer: originally from San Martin Tilcajete, Ocotlan, Oaxaca. I dedicate myself to the field planting heirloom corn. The colors of the corn are yellow, white, blue, and belatove red. I also plant chickpeas, beans, and pumpkin seeds such as guiche, chonpa, and tamala - these are the seeds that we have been growing since my parents’ and grandparents’ time. I started helping my father, Mr. Genaro Gómez, and my mother, Mrs. Magdalena Méndez, in 1975 at the age of ten. At that time, my parents sowed with yokes and plows.
From generation to generation, and family to family, the process of nixtamal has been passed down. Food is something that has always been a really important part of our lives, and we can’t wait to share our culture and hospitality with you at Nixta.